Sunday 5 January 2014

January Challenges Day 2 - grinding out the miles

After a great start to the January challenges yesterday, I found myself doing laps of the town centre in order to get my mileage up to the ten miles (16 km) a day for the "daily" challenge.
My January 2nd ride just wasn't glamourous - I just did 17km, made up of overlapping loops in the town.
The only real highlight was the two-and-a-half ascents I made of Castle Street (by far the steepest hill in the town, but too short to get a "category" rating!) - after the second ascent, I looped left up to the old church (Church Street), then back round on the cobbles (Parsons Fee - an odd name for a road, but that's really what it is called) that brought me out half-way-down again (that's where the "half" ascent comes from).
Each time I had to stand on the pedals to get up Castle Street, and by the top each time I was sweating :-)
The old part of town at the top of Castle Street is nice, Think Henry VIII to American Revolutionary War, and you've covered quite a few of the buildings up there.
I think the church is older, but stuff like that tends to get built, then extended, so it doesn't have a single date.
I had to do the ride in sections, because an unexpected 11 1/2 shift at work limited my riding time, but I did all the Castle Hill ascents as a single set, one after the other.
Anyway, that's my 16km ride done for for Jan1st and Jan 2nd.
Bring on the third!

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